一 概述
二 Dart中的异常
2.1 说明
- Dart使用throw关键字抛出异常
- throw("异常")或throw "异常"
2.2 代码示例
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| main() { var a = -1; if (a < 0) { throw "异常"; } }
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| Unhandled exception: 异常 #0 main (file:///D:/Code/Dart/DartWhile/src/exception/MainException.dart:4:5) #1 _delayEntrypointInvocation.<anonymous closure> (dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart:283:19) #2 _RawReceivePortImpl._handleMessage (dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart:184:12)
三 Dart中的异常处理
3.1 异常处理说明
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| A try block must be followed by an 'on', 'catch', or 'finally' clause. Try adding either a catch or finally clause, or remove the try statement.
3.2 try..on
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| main() { var a = -1; try { if (a < 0) { throw ("异常"); } } on int { print("捕获了整数类型的异常"); } on String { print("捕获了字符串类型的异常"); } print("程序完成"); }
3.3 try..catch
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| main() { var a = -1; try { if (a < 0) { throw ("异常"); } } catch(ex) { print("捕获了异常:$ex"); } print("程序完成"); }
3.4 try..catch..finally
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| main() { var a = -1; try { if (a < 0) { throw ("异常"); } } catch (ex) { print("捕获了异常:$ex"); } finally { print("异常处理结束"); } print("程序完成"); }